Biz & Tech

Outsourcing 101: Boosting With the Right Strategy

Outsourcing has become a game-changing industry standard across several businesses. From project outsourcing to staff augmentation, there are many ways to bring in extra talent, but how do you decide what’s the best approach for your company? 
October 2, 2024
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Outsourcing has become a game-changing industry standard across several businesses. From project outsourcing to staff augmentation, there are many ways to bring in extra talent, but how do you decide what’s the best approach for your company? 

What is Project Outsourcing?

Project outsourcing has been a steadily growing business strategy for many years now. Grand View Research valued the global outsourcing market at $245.9 billion in 2021, with the industry expected to grow to $682.3 billion by 2030, driven by the increasing demand for outsourcing IT services, accounting, and other business processes.

At it’s very base, project outsourcing is a management model where companies contract out specific functions, processes, or entire projects to third-party providers. This strategy always involves transferring the responsibility for tasks and deliverables to an external company, allowing your business to focus on its core functions.

One of the primary reasons companies choose project outsourcing is the specialization that outsourcing partners may bring to the table. Many outsourcing firms excel in specific services, technologies, or areas of expertise, offering higher efficiency and faster time-to-market than what your company may achieve in-house.

The benefits of Project Outsourcing

Project outsourcing holds several key advantages that make it the best choice in many situations:

Specialization and Expertise: 

As mentioned earlier, outsourcing firms are highly specialized in their fields. Leveraging their talent pool provides access to in-depth industry knowledge and advanced skills in specific areas. 

Currently, around 72% of companies that outsource say they do so to gain access to specialized expertise and resources not available in-house, according to Clutch

Focus on Core Business: 

By outsourcing non-core tasks, your company can remain focused on its primary business functions. This delegation to specialists increases efficiency and allows internal teams to concentrate on what they do best.

Worldwide Talent: 

We live in a global economy and project outsourcing allows companies to make the most of that, tapping into a vast pool of talent from around the world. 

This often results in cost-effective outsourcing, where specialized expertise is available at competitive rates from regions with more talent in specific fields.


Like staff augmentation, outsourcing provides scalability. Outsourcing partners can easily scale resources up or down based on your business's fluctuating needs, aligning with project demand.

What are the risks of Project Outsourcing?

No strategy comes without risk. While project outsourcing offers numerous benefits, there are also some potential pitfalls that it might fall into. 

Addressing challenges and issues from the beginning is essential to effectively outsource projects without causing delays or disruptions and ensuring quality.

Here are some of the ways you can mitigate the most common Project Outsourcing challenges:


The biggest concern for most businesses is the loss of control over outsourced projects. This can severely affect quality and alignment with company goals if it's not handled properly.

Mitigation strategies include setting clear standards, timelines, and deliverables, and conducting regular performance evaluations.


Miscommunication is a common issue with remote teams, especially when different time zones, languages, and cultures come into play. 

The best way to address this is by maintaining frequent communication, both verbal and written, keeping track of processes and workflows with your outsourcing partner to ensure smooth collaboration.


While outsourcing often saves money, there are hidden costs, such as legal fees, management expenses, and training. Performing a thorough cost analysis and monitoring ongoing costs can help avoid budget overruns.


Since the outsourcing partner manages many aspects of the project, your company may have less direct control over quality standards, which can sometimes lead to issues like missed benchmarks or security risks.

To mitigate this, establish clear quality control procedures and assess performance regularly.


Another large concern; Outsourcing exposes your company to potential risks related to data breaches and intellectual property. 

It’s critical to evaluate your partner’s security protocols and perform regular audits to ensure compliance with data protection regulations. If possible, make sure to cross-reference your with your potential partner’s previous clients and projects. 

Staff Augmentation vs. Outsourcing: A comparative analysis.

We’ve previously discussed how both staff augmentation and project outsourcing are valid strategies, depending on a companies' context and needs. Knowing the differences is fundamental to making an informed decision that aligns with your company’s goals.


Staff Augmentation: 

This tends to be the more expensive model of the two, since it usually involves paying for the salary of the augmented staff plus a markup. It’s ideal for short-term projects where you want to avoid the overhead of hiring and training.

Project Outsourcing: 

Outsourcing typically results in significant cost savings, especially when outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs. However, it’s essential to account for management costs to ensure project quality and oversight.

Control and Management:

Staff Augmentation: 

Since you’re bringing new staff into your company, with augmented teams, you’ll retain full control over the project, ensuring work quality aligns with your company’s processes and culture.

Project Outsourcing: 

In contrast, outsourcing transfers control and responsibility for deliverables to the third-party provider. While this reduces your management burden, it requires careful monitoring of output quality.

Flexibility and Scalability:

Staff Augmentation: 

This strategy allows your business to quickly scale up or down based on workload, deadlines, or seasonal demand.

Project Outsourcing: 

Flexibility can be limited with outsourcing, depending on contract terms. Scaling resources may require renegotiating agreements.

Quality and Know-how:

Staff Augmentation: 

Augmented staff bring specialized skills into your company. When integrated effectively, they can offer innovation and long-term value to your own team. 

Project Outsourcing: 

Outsourcing partners are specialists in their domain and can often provide high-quality results if expectations are clearly defined, communication is regular, and management is effective.


Evaluating if project outsourcing is the right strategy for you and your business might not always be a clear-cut decision, some trial and error is an inevitable part of any management model. 

If you’re still hesitating, it might help to ask yourself the following questions: Does it align with your long-term business goals and strategy? It is more cost-effective in relation to your budget and potential profits? Will it help you better focus on your core competencies? Will it help with covering our skill gaps?

Project outsourcing offers a hands-off approach to completing specific projects, but it requires selecting a reliable partner and addressing challenges such as communication, quality control, and security. By following best practices and choosing the right partner, you can harness the full power of outsourcing to grow your business.

The global outsourcing market at $245.9 billion in 2021, with the industry expected to grow to $682.3 billion by 2030, driven by the increasing demand for outsourcing IT services, accounting, and other business processes.

Max Rios

OLIANT's CEO. 30 years in tech, from developer to data scientist. Exploring how tech reshapes our world.

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